Data Storytelling

Data Visualisation Resources – Part II

Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of hosting a great club house session together with the Viz Boss Hana – Hana M.K. The session was based on the feedback to hold a part II of the Data Visualisation Resources – Part I blog session we previously held.

Below are few of the courses that were shared by the attendees and us, thought to share them with my blog followers here as I believe they were brilliant.


  • Practical Tableau
  • Innovative Tableau

Finding Datasets for creating portfolios:

  • Makeovermonday websites
  • Kaggle data sets

Online Resources:

  • Tableau Magic – Youtube
  • Andy Kriebal – Youtube
  • Subreddit forums: dataisbeautiful and dataisart
  • Flowing Data

What are your go-to Data Visualisation resources? Would be great to know your thoughts and if you can share some with me too

#AnalyticsDrivenStratege #fatemaelwakeel #DataAnalytics #DataVisualisation #storytelling #vizart #theartofvisualisation

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Note: I try to use photos from free resources as much as I can. Hope that this will help artists getting their names out there. Photo by from Pexels

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