Data & Analytics Career Mentoring, Data Storytelling, Data Strategy

The Art of Storytelling

Have you thought about the art of storytelling in Data and Analytics?

In this article, I am sharing one of the tips that I have always used for years now and shared in IMA | Institute of Management Accountants Tech-Talk Mondays webinar sponsored by Oracle earlier this month.

Very humbled and honoured to receive such positive feedback through my inbox – I would like to take this opportunity to thank the attendees and the organisers again:

Thank you to all the attendees for their insightful questions and participation!
Thank you Steven Shannon for being a great moderator!
Thank you Margaret Loughery and Adam R. Larson, MBA, DES for all your efforts behind the scenes!
Thank you Michael Maloney, CISM for all your support with organising!

Link to LinkedIn article:


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