Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Change Please

What is it that your brain is telling you “change please”?

We gain experience in our career and personally as we grow. Came across this photo before planning my day in the morning. I took it on a train to an event few weeks ago. It got me thinking, what have I learned this January at work and outside? What are the lessons learned for me? What do I need to do differently? What is my brain telling me to change.

Sharing this “change please” reflection prompt with you all.

What is it that you would like to change as a result of you gaining experience in January.

For me, I started a habit tracker as need to carve more time for my runs and reading. I read only data and analytics books but need to add other genres again. Been prioritising other things and need to find more time for those as they do clear my head and bring me joy 🤩

Also, share with me your thoughts and experience on habit trackers as this is the first time I try that 😊

career #weekendwisdom #planning

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