Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Have you planned your week yet?

As a data strategy academic and practitioner, I need to make sure my life is organised.

A question I get asked a lot is “how do you make sure you have time Fatema?”

The answer is, you don’t have time but you make time for the things you prioritise whether it is reading, career or a netflix movie.

Before you do anything this week, stop and think “is this a priority? Do I want to invest my time in it?”. Time is the most expensive currency, invest is wisely.

So, how do I set my week up for success?

I don’t have to-do list, I slot them in my calendars on Sunday evening already prioritised. If something comes in during the week (which normally happens), I rearrange my calendar.

There are many other tips and tricks I use to stay on top of my priorities which I will share in other posts.

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