Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Career thoughts – 16th Aug 2023

Love mentoring and coaching, it is such an experience where you get to see someone develop, reach their goal or even change goals 💡

Was having a chat with my mentee yesterday, he was having some career thoughts. Lots of questions were raised, can I switch careers? is it ok at my age? is it the right career goal? where will I be compared to my colleagues 🤔

Remember, there is no right and no wrong with career goals or switches, it is very personal. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. This is your own career journey, own it and make it as enjoyable and as rewarding as you want it to be.

Personally, I have moved role, moved industries and even changed my whole career. For those of you who don’t know, I am a business person with an accounting degree. Now, I am a data person who is passionate about data strategy and emerging technology. I do this day in and day out even during my spare time. Best decision ever 😊

Will speak about skills in another post but for now, will leave you with this thought. What do you want your career to be? What will get you out of bed in the morning excited to start the day 🙌

#emergingtechnologies #datastrategy #data #AI #analytics #leadership

🗣️ A global industry practitioner, an academic and a non-Executive director who is on a mission to demystify how to create the right data strategies and ecosystems for scaling analytics and emerging technologies
🎙 Podcast Figure It Out With Fatema on Spotify and Apple podcasts as well as YouTube
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