Data Strategy

Would you drink an olive oil-infused coffee?

On my last trip to Paris, I was introduced to Oleato Coffee by Starbucks. I haven’t seen this in the UK and the healthy me couldn’t help but try it 🤩

It made me think, that this product is sold in Paris and not London for a reason. It is like tailoring products to fit customers’ needs and tastes. Would you be able to tailor your data products to fit customer needs?

I have been working on data products for years and one of the things that make or break a data product is how tailored it is to customers. Think customer and not product, I have seen so many product owners and sponsors getting hung up on the product. The product can be awesome, but if you don’t tailor it to customer and how they can use it, it will limit its success.

Think Customer 🙌🏼


🗣️ A global industry practitioner, an academic and a non-executive director who is on a mission to demystify how to create the right data strategies and ecosystems for scaling analytics and emerging technologies
🎙 Podcast Figure It Out With Fatema on Spotify and Apple podcasts as well as on YouTube
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