Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Imporance of Holidays

As we progress in life and manage different responsibilities, it’s easy to forget the vital role that holidays play in our lives 🧠

These breaks are more than just a pause from life; they are moments of reflection. Holidays allow us to reconnect with family, and friends as well as recharge. They allow us to step back, gain perspective, and return to our organised life with a fresh mind and positive energy

A holiday doesn’t mean doing nothing, it means a lot of deep thinking and relaxation to plan ahead 💙

Don’t underestimate the significance of taking time off. Invest in reflecting, recharging and planning.

Your personal and professional future you will thank you for this investment!

#emergingtechnologies #datastrategy #data #AI #analytics #leadership


🗣️ A global industry practitioner, an academic and a non-executive director who is on a mission to demystify how to create the right data strategies and ecosystems for scaling analytics and emerging technologies

🎙 Podcast Figure It Out With Fatema on Spotify and Apple podcasts as well as on YouTube

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