Agile Methodology, Data & Analytics Career Mentoring, Data Strategy

What is the best way to communicate data strategy?

What is the best way to communicate data strategy?How to run data strategy and analytics meetings effectively?What are the tips to have an effective data strategy workshop? In this video, I answer all of those questions and more. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you use any of these tips!… Continue reading What is the best way to communicate data strategy?

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

LinkedIn Article: Data Strategy and Analytics = Change Management

In this article published by the American IMA | Institute of Management Accountants, I am sharing my professional and research experience on how Data Strategy and Analytics is a change management exercise. What has been your experience with scaling Data Strategy and Analytics? Would love to hear your thoughts and experience! I would like to take… Continue reading LinkedIn Article: Data Strategy and Analytics = Change Management

Agile Methodology

What Are The Agile Methodology Values?

Many people mention Agile Methodology in Analytics, today I thought to share a post as a reminder of our Agile practitioner values. Looking at the values will help understand the ethos of the methodology and its characteristics Link to the manifesto is What have been the benefits/challenges you faced when using Agile? #analyticsdrivenstrategy#agilemethodology#analytics #agilemethodology… Continue reading What Are The Agile Methodology Values?

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

Perfection is the enemy of Done

Always remember that Perfection is the enemy of Done. As Confucius said, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without"! Progress is so important, I usually follow the 80-20 rule. Equally sometimes 60-40 or 90-10 is enough. My point is, make sure to measure the Definition of Done for every task. Close your… Continue reading Perfection is the enemy of Done

Agile Methodology

Agile vs. agile?

Had a couple of conversations about Agile Methodology today, sharing with you some thoughts here: - Big ‘A’ Agile: This is a method of project management, it was initially developed and used for software development but now used massively in Analytics and other business areas. It is known for its iterative method and being customer-focused with… Continue reading Agile vs. agile?

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

What is Agile Methodology? Data Analytics projects are normally run using Agile Methodology. You will hear terms like Sprints, Scrums, Product Owners and more. It can be overwhelming when you start. In this IMA podcast, I talk about the benefits of Agile and cover the basic terms to better understand how the methodology works. This episode also covers… Continue reading What is Agile Methodology?

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

Agile in One Sentence

One of the sentences I came across today and thought was very insightful was "The perspective of Scrum moves from project to product" This is really Agile in a nutshell, the end goal is a product used by the customer. This is why Agile methodology is used massively in Data Analytics projects compared to the traditional project management… Continue reading Agile in One Sentence

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

Building Data Analytics Capabilities – Part 2: Soft Skills

Building Data Analytics Capabilities is one of the main challenges facing organisations atm, in my first blog I covered some thoughts about the Technical skills for a team. In this blog, I will cover some thoughts on the soft professional skills as promised in part 1. If we imagine a team being built and… Continue reading Building Data Analytics Capabilities – Part 2: Soft Skills

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

Analytics Project Life Cycle

Does Data Analytics projects end with the delivery of the project? Are there things that the project team need to consider after delivery? What is a Data Analytics project life cycle? Those were interesting questions which I have received through my blog question page in the past couple of weeks and thought to share with… Continue reading Analytics Project Life Cycle