Agile Methodology

Agile vs. agile?

Had a couple of conversations about Agile Methodology today, sharing with you some thoughts here: - Big ‘A’ Agile: This is a method of project management, it was initially developed and used for software development but now used massively in Analytics and other business areas. It is known for its iterative method and being customer-focused with… Continue reading Agile vs. agile?

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

What is Agile Methodology? Data Analytics projects are normally run using Agile Methodology. You will hear terms like Sprints, Scrums, Product Owners and more. It can be overwhelming when you start. In this IMA podcast, I talk about the benefits of Agile and cover the basic terms to better understand how the methodology works. This episode also covers… Continue reading What is Agile Methodology?