Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

LinkedIn Article: Data Strategy and Analytics = Change Management

In this article published by the American IMA | Institute of Management Accountants, I am sharing my professional and research experience on how Data Strategy and Analytics is a change management exercise. What has been your experience with scaling Data Strategy and Analytics? Would love to hear your thoughts and experience! I would like to take… Continue reading LinkedIn Article: Data Strategy and Analytics = Change Management

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring, Data Strategy

The Importance of Linking Ethics to Data and Analytics.

In my Strategic Finance Magazine article, I highlighted the importance of putting an ethics lens on Data and Analytics and discussed it more. What has been your experience with linking ethics to Data and Analytics? Would love to hear your experience, successes and challenges! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank: Jeff… Continue reading The Importance of Linking Ethics to Data and Analytics.

Data Strategy

The 3 Main Data and Analytics Organisational Models

Analytics-Driven Strategy's new podcast is out, have you listened to it yet? In this episode, I am discussing how choosing the right Data and Analytics model for the organisation is similar to choosing the right structure for a house. The organisational structure needs to be robust, solid and suitable for future changes. In this session,… Continue reading The 3 Main Data and Analytics Organisational Models

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

Perfection is the enemy of Done

Always remember that Perfection is the enemy of Done. As Confucius said, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without"! Progress is so important, I usually follow the 80-20 rule. Equally sometimes 60-40 or 90-10 is enough. My point is, make sure to measure the Definition of Done for every task. Close your… Continue reading Perfection is the enemy of Done

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

The “Analytics-Driven Strategy” Podcast is Here!!!

Received so many requests to create an "Analytics-Driven Strategy" podcast, it was really flattering - thank you 🙂 Been working on this project for a while and it is finally out, the "Analytics-Driven Strategy" podcast is on 5 platforms now!!! You can listen to previous LinkedIn live episodes while driving, running or on the go.… Continue reading The “Analytics-Driven Strategy” Podcast is Here!!!

Data Strategy

Content Thoughts!

It is Monday, the start of the week - Happy Monday! I am having a mega knowledge content creation this week, lots of projects and announcements. I have a question for you, how can I support you on your Analytics-Driven Strategy journey? Like, what topics do you want me to cover? What platforms do you… Continue reading Content Thoughts!

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Why Be A Knowledge Volunteer?

Want to know why being a "Knowledge Volunteer" is so important?In my article "One Step Ahead" in the IMA | Institute of Management Accountants IMA Volunteering column, I share my experience on how volunteering has helped me support others and personally develop. For those who know me, you know how much of a "knowledge volunteer" I am.… Continue reading Why Be A Knowledge Volunteer?

Agile Methodology, Data Strategy

Agile in One Sentence

One of the sentences I came across today and thought was very insightful was "The perspective of Scrum moves from project to product" This is really Agile in a nutshell, the end goal is a product used by the customer. This is why Agile methodology is used massively in Data Analytics projects compared to the traditional project management… Continue reading Agile in One Sentence

Data Strategy

What Should Be On The Leadership 2021 Agenda

It was an honour to be part of the great #IMA Europe panel discussing robotics and automation in January which was sponsored by UiPath. We had great discussions covering the challenges we face today and the value of robotics and automation. In my opinion, leadership has to have two main priorities on their agenda: Value-Driven Analytics Company-wide… Continue reading What Should Be On The Leadership 2021 Agenda