Data Strategy

Be the change leader

Brilliant Transport for London quote on the tube back from Euston yesterday. In data, analytics and rolling out emerging technologies, there is a lot of change.

Even with the best change management implementation, there can be storms. Be the leader who shares the positives, sees what is cleared on your data path and show your team how your organisation is growing 💡

A data leader is leading a massive data change management programme all the time, which is tha best part of our job 🤩

#emergingtechnologies #datastrategy #data #AI #analytics #leadership

🗣️ A global industry practitioner, an academic and a non-executive director who is on a mission to demystify how to create the right data strategies and ecosystems for scaling analytics and emerging technologies
🎙 Podcast Figure It Out With Fatema on Spotify and Apple podcasts as well as on YouTube
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