
Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

A career can only be created one step at a time

🧠 Weekend thoughts passing by the life-size chess set in Fulham Broadway Station "A career can only be created one step at a time" If one of your dreams is to have a successful career which you enjoy, it's vital to remember that our careers are built one step at a time as we move… Continue reading A career can only be created one step at a time

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

University of Cambidge Job Fair

The University of Cambridge is hosting its first-ever jobs fair! Attendees will get a unique chance to meet a range of staff already working at the University, and hear their experiences of what it is like to work for a world-renowned organisation. There is also an opportunity to find out more about the application and… Continue reading University of Cambidge Job Fair

Data Strategy

Think Present and Future

When scaling data, analytics and emerging technologies, you will want to understand two important things to deliver the highest ROI to your organisation 🧠 : 1. What are the functions/organisations' pain points? 2. What are the organisation's aspirations and future strategy? Think present and future, you want short-term and long-term success. Think big, think smart,… Continue reading Think Present and Future

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Audiobooks via local library

Love sharing knowledge on LinkedIn but the learner in me loves to learn as well. Earlier this week, I wrote a post asking for suggested podcasts as I love them atm. Alice was so kind to comment and share her blog post I read through the post, loved how she wrote it and followed some of… Continue reading Audiobooks via local library

Data Strategy

Would you drink an olive oil-infused coffee?

On my last trip to Paris, I was introduced to Oleato Coffee by Starbucks. I haven’t seen this in the UK and the healthy me couldn’t help but try it 🤩 It made me think, that this product is sold in Paris and not London for a reason. It is like tailoring products to fit customers'… Continue reading Would you drink an olive oil-infused coffee?

Data Strategy

Do you follow the Tour de France?🚴‍♂️ 🚴‍♂️ 🚴‍♂️ As a duathlete, I was over the moon when I was in Paris on Sunday and able to attend the final stage. The cyclists started their journey on the 1st of July departing from Bilbao Spain and completed the competition on the 23rd of July to bring the Tour de France to a close… Continue reading Do you follow the Tour de France?🚴‍♂️ 🚴‍♂️ 🚴‍♂️

Data and Technology Applications, Data Strategy

So, how does implementing AI including generative AI optimise the production processes in manufacturing?

By analysing massive amounts of data from machines and sensors, organisations have been able to identify patterns and bottlenecks in operations, leading to significant improvements in efficiency and reduced waste. Additionally, the ability to generate 3D models and simulations using generative AI can allow organisations to quickly and accurately prototype and test new designs, saving… Continue reading So, how does implementing AI including generative AI optimise the production processes in manufacturing?

Data and Technology Applications, Data Strategy

So, what is the difference between AI and Generative AI?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like humans. AI covers various techniques such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Generative AI, on the other hand, can be viewed as a subfield of AI. I focuses on creating new data,… Continue reading So, what is the difference between AI and Generative AI?

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Why do I enjoy reviewing academic papers?

This bank holiday, I had the opportunity to spend some time reviewing British Academy of Management academic papers on data and digital strategy and strategy as a practice, I enjoyed reading the research papers and can't wait to see some of them presented this year conference - good luck to all authors! Reviewing academic papers… Continue reading Why do I enjoy reviewing academic papers?

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Being Human is a blessing, enjoy and let’s support each other and spread knowledge to grow together!

I had to work on a couple of articles yesterday so went to the Wellcome Collection reading room, it is excellent if you want to read or need a couple of hours to put your head down and finish something. It is full of like-minded people who are reading, learning and being productive in their… Continue reading Being Human is a blessing, enjoy and let’s support each other and spread knowledge to grow together!

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Taking days off is very important, make sure to use them wisely and listen to your mind – Happy Saturday!

To be a good business leader and support your career, organisation and team, taking a break is crucial for maintaining productivity, preventing burnout, and promoting mental and physical health. Regular breaks allow us to recharge, gain perspective, and generate fresh ideas, ultimately leading to improved decision-making and overall success for both us and the business.… Continue reading Taking days off is very important, make sure to use them wisely and listen to your mind – Happy Saturday!

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

With the bank holiday, lets celebrate successes 🎉

please share the successes that the past version of you will be so proud to know about in the comments below👇🏼 The past version of me will be so proud that I shifted careers and followed my passion. The old version was trying to understand the difference between a job and a career and that… Continue reading With the bank holiday, lets celebrate successes 🎉

Data Strategy

Having the right data strategy for your organisation is the key to successful data product delivery.

From data acquisition and storage to processing, analysis and ensuring value added to the stakeholders, a comprehensive end-to-end plan is essential to deliver valuable insights to end-users. Make sure your data strategy is robust and agile to meet the demands of the ever-evolving data landscape and business requirements. Does your data strategy cover all that?… Continue reading Having the right data strategy for your organisation is the key to successful data product delivery.

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Monday Mindset – 2023 Week 14

It is Monday, sharing my Mindset Monday’s thought of the week with you✍🏼 I use my Monday mindset thoughts to set my intentions for the week, feel free to use them and let's all grow! Think about backend strategy in both your organisation and your life. Technology makes life easier when we set it properly… Continue reading Monday Mindset – 2023 Week 14

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

New national prize for AI named in University’s honour

As a General Assembly Member and alumni, I am so excited to see the recognition of the great work The University of Manchester has done in the field of AI through this prize (the link is in the first comment) - Congratulations to all staff, alums and students! “The world’s first stored programme computer was built at… Continue reading New national prize for AI named in University’s honour

Data Strategy

S3 E2: How can you drive the human behaviour within your organisation to speak about data and ask for Analytics projects

The second episode of season 3 of Figure It Out With Fatema podcast is out and on all major podcast platforms! In episode 2 of season 3, I am discussing how can you drive the human behaviour within your organisation to speak about data and ask for Analytics projects. Having the cross functional buy in and creating… Continue reading S3 E2: How can you drive the human behaviour within your organisation to speak about data and ask for Analytics projects

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

It is the weekend, time to reflect?

It is the weekend, time to reflect? I want to ask you to imagine the healthiest and most successful version of yourself. A version that has your career of choice... What profession would you want? What difference would it make to your career, employer and circle of friends and family? What would it take to… Continue reading It is the weekend, time to reflect?

Data Strategy

Are you looking for different ways to work on your data strategy skills this weekend?

Here are a few things you can do: 📝 Reflect on your organisation's current data strategy: What are the strengths and weaknesses? What are the data-related challenges your organisation is facing? think about your previous employers as well and do some comparisons. 📚 Learn about new data trends: Keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends,… Continue reading Are you looking for different ways to work on your data strategy skills this weekend?

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring, Data Strategy

Data Science – the past, present and future

In this episode of Figure it out with Fatema, Jeff and I will be discussing data science between the past, the present and the future. We will chat about data science as a profession, data science projects, analytics, sustainability and more. Jeff started as a data scientist decades before the job title was popularised in… Continue reading Data Science – the past, present and future

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Do you have the passion for data strategy?

There is a video by Steve Jobs which I came across during a pivotal moment in my life and helped me take the decision to move into data strategy and analytics, a decision to change careers and follow my passion - link is Video transcript: "People say you have to have a lot of… Continue reading Do you have the passion for data strategy?

Data Strategy

No, don’t want to break this to you but technology is not the answer 👎

Have been working on data products for years now, been doing that as an academic, a practitioner and NED advisor. One of the things that I could see was the thinking that technology is the answer. Lets use this tool or use AI, ML or whatever. If you are working in data strategy, make sure… Continue reading No, don’t want to break this to you but technology is not the answer 👎

Data Strategy

How to create a successful data product roadmap?

A question I got asked the other day and would like to share my thoughts with you here. Engaging with the business is my number one priority when building a successful product roadmap. By actively listening to the business, you can gain insights into their needs and pain points, and use that information to inform… Continue reading How to create a successful data product roadmap?

Data Strategy

Data Strategy Community

The Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge data strategy community is finally going live with the first event taking place soon! Sharing this with my network if you would like to be part of the community (link is Do you work in data strategy and want to be part of the Institute for… Continue reading Data Strategy Community

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life" Working from home breakfast order today to celebrate working in a career I love. So blessed to have a career that reflects my passion for data strategy, analytics and future technologies. Between being a practitioner and an academic, I am grateful to have… Continue reading “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

Are you a “know it all” or a “learn it all”?

The distinction between "know it all" and "learn it all" refers to the two different approaches to personal development which I got introduced to this week. Let me share my learning with you, a "know it all" attitude is the belief that one has already obtained all the knowledge and skills needed for success and… Continue reading Are you a “know it all” or a “learn it all”?

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

What has your industry taught you?

It was such a pleasure to speak with Leeds University Business School’s MBA students about a career in Data and Analytics as well as sharing different thoughts on general industries. Loved the insightful questions shared by very smart students and the brilliant organisation by Alison Edmonds - thank you! Changing industries is something that adds… Continue reading What has your industry taught you?

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

The Walls Trike!

The original Wall’s icecream trike from c1922 🤩 Found that in my Port Sunlight trip this week in our iconic Unilever site and thought to share it here 💙 As our compass startegy says “brands with purpose grow”, more than 100 years of icecream speaks voluemes! sustainableliving brands Figure It Out With Fatema unilever #sustainability… Continue reading The Walls Trike!

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

How Can You Own Your Data and Analytics Career?

Owning your career takes a lot of effort and hard work, but it is ultimately one of the best ways to advance your professional growth and achieve career success Hope my article supports all those affected by the challenges in the market and also those who are are starting the year reviewing their career plan.… Continue reading How Can You Own Your Data and Analytics Career?

Data and Technology Applications, Data Strategy

AI in the Metaverse

Read this brilliant article by Alan Smithson 🚀 yesterday, very simple to read but yet so deep 💡 Sharing it with you here as I believe it is a great weekend read, especially with all the resourceful link he has in it. "Generative AI holds the potential to fundamentally change the fabric of society” loved… Continue reading AI in the Metaverse

Data and Technology Applications, Data Strategy

Are we moving towards “CityVerse”?

Are we moving towards "CityVerse"? How are organisations and countries using the metaverse?Yesterday evening, I attended an awesome IEEE session by Saracco Roberto. He shared great used cases from around the world. Below are some takeaways that businesses need to consider in their data strategy.1. Expensive technology doesn’t mean smart; being smart is the way… Continue reading Are we moving towards “CityVerse”?

Data & Analytics Career Mentoring

IMA Global Board Meeting – October 2023

Last week, I had an inspiring few days at the IMA | Institute of Management Accountants Global Board of Directors meeting in New Jersey! It was a privilege and a truly eye-opening experience. We delved into critical discussions on strategy, sustainability, and the ever-evolving world of data and analytics, which are instrumental in shaping the future of… Continue reading IMA Global Board Meeting – October 2023